Full Moon: New Books, New Bands, New Direction
Hello friends.
It's nearly Halloween, which is practically the moon's birthday, which means something's afoot at Cherrymoon Media. Many things.
First, a quick recap of last season: I, Adam Turner AKA Mr. Cherrymoon, found full-time work as a copywriter after half of year of running this business. I spent a year in corporate America, while planning my wedding and moonlighting with my various freelance publishing, web, and music projects. It was a great experience, and a much needed dose of stability in a hectic period.
After a year had passed, I was itching for a new experience and found it in my current nonprofit work for KY Helping Hands. With my new job came new flexibility, and I suddenly had the opportunity to refocus some of my schedule back to space travel with Cherrymoon. And this year I have.
I've released four new books by authors Ryne Green and Keen Babbage, with more to come by year's end: A Baby Cries, The Swinging Tree, Four Vital Questions for High School Seniors, and Four Vital Questions for Teachers and Principals. All worth your time (and money$$$)! I've really enjoyed helping those I admire realize their vision for their writing projects. I get to read fascinating work, and I get to help share it with the world in some small way. Win-win, for me.
Though I've got a healthy slate of unread manuscripts piling in my office and inbox, I am always open to new ideas as well. If you've got one, feel free to send it along.
I'm actively managing a handful of websites and currently designing a few as well. And courting new business, if your web presence needs a facelift. Oh, and I refreshed this site, too. Take a look. More than a little cheesy, just how I like it.
Likewise, what started with just one band--my darling Wicked Peace--has blossomed into a full-blown booking and management service. Or as I'm calling it, Cherrymoon Records. And yes, I'm pretending it's a real label, thank you very much. And why not? I'm working with a number of Kentucky bands and offering a variety of services, primarily gig booking, but also merchandising, design, social media, web and press kit development, photography, distribution, videography, home recording, and one man's not-so-humble opinion on your tunes, should you request it.
My marquee is looking impressive, loaded with superstars:
Lots of plans in the works with these absurdly talented kiddos. More on all of them to come in future posts. But in the meantime, stream their jams. They're all so sticky and addictive.
With all this activity, I could use either a 30-hour day or an ethical cloning device to make a few of me, willing to work for cheap. Lacking the means to produce either, I am also (begrudgingly) willing to accept...outside help. If you're a kind soul with an eye for grammatical errors or speak drummer, let's talk. If you're looking for the money, you're in the wrong town, cowboy. But if you've got interest in the work or the experience, I can offer plenty of both (and there's even a LITTLE money to be found if you dig deep enough).
And I'll make an effort to keep up on my social channels more, too, to spare you yet another 1000-word blog update.
After a period of stasis, I'm so looking forward to my work's new direction: forward. To infinity and beyond.

Adam Turner
Founder | Cherrymoon Media