Welcoming Wicked Peace

Hey friends,
The first time I heard Wicked Peace, I do believe, was a YouTube cover of "Folsom Prison Blues." Just Tanner and Pat (and an obligatory Scott Swiger cameo) walking down a country road, plucking along to a classic tune I've heard a million times before, albeit with some considerable swagger, when Tanner wraps up a solo and his final verse and stops to smash his guitar on the ground. As someone who believes you can never smash enough guitars, my interest was piqued.
Though their stylings have evolved, their ambitions grown larger and their videos turned higher concept (see: "Left My Mark"), that original spirit remains in tact: They always seem right on the edge of smashing shit up. Particularly on The Edge, their latest EP and best work yet, recorded at the famed Blackbird Studio in Nashville.
I came to the band late. I frequent the live music scene, but a number of missed opportunities to see them in my hometown and around Kentucky kept them off my radar. I don't miss them anymore. Granted, I'd be on thin ice if I did: I now date the female lead, Amanda. But that doesn't deafen me to their sound; if anything, it makes me more critical of what I'm listening to. What I hear is a tight sound quickly finding its voice. What I see is an infectious live show that keeps the crowd moving. And what I'm proud to welcome is Wicked Peace to Cherrymoon Media. Welcome Tanner, Pat, Logan, Jared, and of course, Amanda. Thanks for letting us help spread the word about a great band. Now, let's make some songs.
Hope to see you all at the next rock show!

Website: www.wickedpeace.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WickedPeace
Twitter: www.twitter.com/WickedPeaceBand
Instagram: www.instagram.com/wickedpeaceband
Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/wickedpeace
For more information, contact info@cherrymoonmedia.com